tirsdag den 4. januar 2011

Dronekrigen i Pakistan har massive civile tabstal.

Konsekvenserne af Obama-administrationens videreførelse af den uofficielle (læs: aldrig erklærede) dronekrig i de Nord-Pakistanske stammeområder er ikke overraskende omfattende civile tabstal. Den indiske avis New Kerala omtaler flere nye undersøgelser som alle peger på, at dette er tilfældet:

As many as 2,043 people, mostly civilians, were killed in US drone attacks in northwestern parts of Pakistan during the last five years, a research has revealed.

The yearly report of Conflict Monitoring Centre (CMC) has termed the CIA drone strikes as an 'assassination campaign turning out to be revenge campaign', and showed that 2010 was the deadliest year ever of causalities resulted in drone-hits in Pakistan.

According to the report, 134 drone attacks were reported in Pakistan's FATA region in 2010 alone, inflicting 929 causalities. December 17 was the deadliest day of 2010 when three drone attacks killed 54 people in Khyber Agency.

Regarding civilian causalities and attacks on women and children, the report said: "People in the tribal belt usually carry guns and ammunition as a tradition. US drone will identify anyone carrying a gun as a militant and subsequently he will be killed."

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