torsdag den 9. august 2012

Research - The LIBOR Scandal.

Wikipedia: Libor Scandal

Immanuel Wallerstein: The LIBOR Scandal: Why is it Scandalous?

The Guardian: This global financial fraud and its gatekeepers.

The Guardian: Banking scandal: 'the rot was widespread, the corruption endemic'

The Guardian: Banking scandal: how document trail reveals global scam.

The Telegraph: Libor scandal: at the root of all financial crises is a lack of transparency.

Rolling Stone: A Challenge To American Regulators Over LIBOR Scandal.

Rolling Stone: Why is Nobody Freaking Out About the LIBOR Banking Scandal?

Rolling Stone: The Scam Wall Street Learned From the Mafia.

Democracy Now: Matt Taibbi on the Libor Scandal.

Washington's Blog: The Many Ways Banks Commit Criminal Fraud.

Washington's Blog: Big Banks Have Become Mafia-Style Criminal Enterprises

Washington's Blog: Have Banks Been Manipulating Libor for DECADES?

Washington's Blog: The Biggest Financial Scam In World History.

The Economist: The rotten heart of finance.

Danmarks Radio: Ugebrev: Banker snyder kunder for milliarder. The Wall Street Scandal of All Scandals

Al Jazeera: Inside Story - Rigged bank rates: Is there more to come?

Al Jazeera: How Barclays manipulated the libor rates.

Reuters: Exclusive: Germany pushes Libor probe of Deutsche Bank

NYTimes: Trade Group for Bankers Regulates a Key Rate.

NBC: The LIBOR Scandal Is Bigger Than You Think.

Washington Post: Why the LIBOR scandal is a bigger deal than JPMorgan.

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