torsdag den 31. marts 2011

Gilbert Achcar: Obama and the Libyan Rebellion

New Artificial Leaf and Photosynthesis.

Yet another new breakthrough in low cost solar energy just made its debut, and this one is a doozy: a solar cell the size of a typical leaf, that actually creates energy the same way a leaf does: with photosynthesis. No, for real. You just park it in a bucket of water and it generates enough electricity to power household devices… eventually (more on that below). The announcement was made by the lead researcher on the MIT-based project, Dr. Daniel Nocera, who said, “A practical artificial leaf has been one of the Holy Grails of science for decades.”

Source: CleanTechnica.

Noam Chomsky: WikiLeaks Cables Reveal "Profound Hatred for Democracy on the Part of Our Political Leadership"

Dagens Citat: Otto von Bismarck.

"People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election."

- Otto von Bismarck.

lørdag den 26. marts 2011

Dokumentar: Gasland.

GASLAND from WorldReport on Vimeo.

Ilan Pape: Reframing the Israel/Palestine conflict.

Reframing the Israel/Palestine conflict: an interview with Ilan Pappe from Frank Barat on Vimeo.

Noam Chomsky answers questions from famous intellectuals.

Noam Chomsky answers questions from Ken Loach, Paul Laverty, Alice Walker, Chris Hedges, John Berger and Amira Hass from Frank Barat on Vimeo.

Dagens Citat: Derrick Jensen.

“In a finite world, every resource expended for one purpose is unavailable for any other purpose. If you eat a salmon, I cannot eat salmon. If one eats or otherwise kills all of the salmon, no one will ever eat salmon again. The same principle works in economics. Every dollar spent building a B-2 bomber is unavailable to pay for immunization and food that a child needs to survive. Every human-hour used is unavailable to rehabilitate damaged streams, to create music or poetry, to play with children, or to teach people to read. Every gigawatt of electricity consumed is unavailable to run hospitals or schools [..] Since no one in her right mind wishes to kill people by dropping bombs on them, the best any of us can sanely hope for is that every resource used in construction of these bombers will be wasted. The alternative is that the bombers will be used for their designated purpose, which is to destroy. What cultural rootstock would put its resources into yielding such fruits as this? What cultural consciousness would engender such choices?”

Derrick Jensen, The Culture of Make Believe, p. 365.

torsdag den 24. marts 2011

Michael Hardt On 'Common Wealth' (1 of 10)

The Military-Industrial Complex Revisited

Dagens Citat: Hardt & Negri.

“The great modern works of political science all provide tools for transformation or overthrowing the ruling powers and liberating us from repression. Even Machiavelli's The Prince, which some read as a guidebook for nefarious rulers, is in fact a democratic pamphlet that puts the understanding of violence and the cunning of power in the service of republican intelligence. Today, however, the majority of political scientists are merely technicians working to resolve the quantitative problems of maintaining order, and the rest wander the corridors from their universities to the courts of power, attempting to get the ear of the sovereign and whisper advice. The paradigmatic figure of the political scientist has become the Geheimrat, the secret adviser of the sovereign.”

- Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri, Multitude p. 33.

Michelle Alexander: US Prisons, The New Jim Crow

Dokumentar: The Trials Of Henry Kissinger

Glenn Greenwald, Presentation, 8 March 2011