onsdag den 6. april 2011

R. McChesney: Media and Politics in the United States Today.

Dagens Citat: Oscar Wilde.

»Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their life a mimicry, their passions a quotation.«

- Oscar Wilde, DE PROFUNDIS, 1897.

søndag den 3. april 2011

Alfred McCoy - Surveillance State: The Making of the U.S. Internal Security Apparatus.

US Military and CIA interventions since World War II

Dokumentar: Fast Food, Fast Profits.


Dagens Citat: George Bernard Shaw.

“The thief who is in prison is not necessarily more dishonest than his fellows at large, but mostly one who, through ignorance or stupidity [or, adds George Draffan, racism or poverty] steals in a way that is not customary. He snatches a loaf of bread from the baker's counter and is promptly run into jail. Another man snatches bread from the table of hundreds of widows and orphans and similar credulous souls who do not know the ways of company promoters; and, as likely as not, he is run into parliament.”

- George Bernard Shaw.

Dokumentar: "Kosovo: Can You Imagine."

torsdag den 31. marts 2011

Gilbert Achcar: Obama and the Libyan Rebellion

New Artificial Leaf and Photosynthesis.

Yet another new breakthrough in low cost solar energy just made its debut, and this one is a doozy: a solar cell the size of a typical leaf, that actually creates energy the same way a leaf does: with photosynthesis. No, for real. You just park it in a bucket of water and it generates enough electricity to power household devices… eventually (more on that below). The announcement was made by the lead researcher on the MIT-based project, Dr. Daniel Nocera, who said, “A practical artificial leaf has been one of the Holy Grails of science for decades.”

Source: CleanTechnica.

Noam Chomsky: WikiLeaks Cables Reveal "Profound Hatred for Democracy on the Part of Our Political Leadership"

Dagens Citat: Otto von Bismarck.

"People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election."

- Otto von Bismarck.