lørdag den 8. januar 2011

Peak Oil and a Changing Climate

USA glemte at sikre våbenfabrik i Irak.

Den britiske avis The Guardian bragte i går en meget interessant artikel om hvordan man fra amerikansk side ikke formåede at sikre en gigantisk våbenfabrik udenfor Baghdad umiddelbart efter invasionen af Irak selvom man var informeret om dens eksistens og indhold. Dette forvoldte at Al-Qaeda i Irak fik fingrene i 40.000 tons højeksplosivt materiale. Læs mere her.

tirsdag den 4. januar 2011

Living in the End Times According to Slavoj Zizek

Dokumentar om velfærdsstatens historie.

Jonathan Cook om mediebias i Israel/Palæstina-konflikten.

Den britiske journalist Jonathan Cook, som har skrevet ganske omfattende om Israel/Palæstina konflikten, har skrevet et længere essay i hvilket han redegør for medier-nes bias i dækningen af konflikten. Den lange version (27 sider) kan læses her. Den korte version kan læses her.

Dronekrigen i Pakistan har massive civile tabstal.

Konsekvenserne af Obama-administrationens videreførelse af den uofficielle (læs: aldrig erklærede) dronekrig i de Nord-Pakistanske stammeområder er ikke overraskende omfattende civile tabstal. Den indiske avis New Kerala omtaler flere nye undersøgelser som alle peger på, at dette er tilfældet:

As many as 2,043 people, mostly civilians, were killed in US drone attacks in northwestern parts of Pakistan during the last five years, a research has revealed.

The yearly report of Conflict Monitoring Centre (CMC) has termed the CIA drone strikes as an 'assassination campaign turning out to be revenge campaign', and showed that 2010 was the deadliest year ever of causalities resulted in drone-hits in Pakistan.

According to the report, 134 drone attacks were reported in Pakistan's FATA region in 2010 alone, inflicting 929 causalities. December 17 was the deadliest day of 2010 when three drone attacks killed 54 people in Khyber Agency.

Regarding civilian causalities and attacks on women and children, the report said: "People in the tribal belt usually carry guns and ammunition as a tradition. US drone will identify anyone carrying a gun as a militant and subsequently he will be killed."

Kæmpe Fail i Prostitutionsdebatten.

Fra dagens udgave af Information.

"SF's ligestillingsordfører, Pernille Vigsø Bagge, og medlem af EU-parlamentet for Socialdemokraterne Britta Thomsen påstår, at Holland har en særlig børnehave oprettet til børn af prostituerede, og bruger den som argument mod legalisering af prostitution i Danmark. I Holland har man aldrig hørt om den pågældende børnehave"

fredag den 31. december 2010

Jeremy Rifkin - The Empathic Civilisation

Robert Anton Wilson: Maybe Logic

hermed et link til en dokumentarfilm om den amerikanske forfatter Robert Anton Wilson. Hvis man ikke allerede kender til ham og hans arbejde er denne film et godt sted at starte.

More on Wikileaks.

Glenn Greenwald: What WikiLeaks revealed to the world in 2010

The generally interesting blogger Glenn Greenwalds round-up of the most important stories that were revealed by wikileaks in 2010.

Glenn Greenwald debates WikiLeaks with Frances Townsend on CNN

Julian Assange interviewed on Al-Jazeera.

Top officials in several Arab countries have close links with the CIA, and many officials keep visiting US embassies in their respective countries voluntarily to establish links with this key US intelligence agency, says Julian Assange, founder of the whistle-blowing website, WikiLeaks.

WikiLeaks founder Assange told Al Jazeera network that he is prepared to release all the explosive information in his possession to the public after "he has been done away with. "These officials are spies for the US in their countries," Assange told Al Jazeera Arabic channel in an interview yesterday.

The interviewer, Ahmed Mansour, said at the start of the interview which was a continuation of last week's interface, that Assange had even shown him the files that contained the names of some top Arab officials with alleged links with the CIA.

Assange or Mansour, however, didn't disclose the names of these officials. The WikiLeaks founder said he feared he could be killed but added that there were 2,000 websites that were ready to publish the remaining files that are in possession of WikiLeaks after "he has been done away with"."