Viser opslag med etiketten ancient history. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten ancient history. Vis alle opslag

søndag den 21. november 2010

Verdens ældste kobberalderlandsby fundet i Serbien.

Hindustan Times November 15, 2010: "A "sensational" discovery of 75-century-old copper tools in Serbia is compelling scientists to reconsider existing theories about where and when man began using metal. Belgrade - axes, hammers, hooks and needles - were found interspersed with other artefacts from a settlement that burned down some 7,000 years ago at Plocnik, near Prokuplje and 200 km south of Belgrade.

The village had been there for some eight centuries before its demise. After the big fire, its unknown inhabitants moved away. But what they left behind points to man's earliest known extraction and shaping of metal."